
RETS Workgroups

Current Workgroup Activities

Five subsidiary workgroups within the RETS group work on specific areas within the standard. To join any of these workgroups, join the group’s mailing list, given below. The workgroups meet more often in conference calls, and are generally quite active.

rolex super clone

When workgroups are developing something that changes the standard, their charter is to create detailed change proposals that are then submitted to the full RETS group for approval. If you’re interested in helping to draft changes and additions to the standard, the workgroups are the best way to do that.

The Compliance workgroup creates guidelines and documents to help developers insure that their products are compliant with the RETS specifications. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary workgroup maintains the RETS data dictionary, both in content and architecture. The data dictionary is the document that specifies the content of fields within the RETS DTDs. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

The Marketing workgroup hosts discussions about marketing the benefits of RETS to vendors and users alike. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

Media Management
The Media Management workgroup hosts discussions about marketing the benefits of RETS to vendors and users alike. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

The Metadata workgroup maintains the content and architecture of the metadata portions of the RETS specification, as well as drafting guidlines for metadata content. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

RETS 2.0
The RETS Version 2.0 workgroup is designing, specifying and writing the RETS 2.0 specification. Preliminary scope and engineering documents documents are available. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

The Transport workgroup works on transport, enveloping and packaging issues within RETS. This group is currently looking at new W3c standards that may be applicable to RETS. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

The Update workgroup works on the RETS Update transaction, including workflow and update-specific metadata. To join this working group, sign up for their mailing list using the web-based signup form.

Ad-Hoc Workgroups
Ad-hoc workgroups are formed to discuss specific issues that do not require an ongoing collaboration effort.

Distributed Data Base
The Distributed Data Base ad-hoc workgroup is formulating a change proposal that will add facilities necessary for data base replication. The group has a mailing list that is open to anyone with an interest in the topic.


An outline of the changes under discussion.
Conference call notes: March 13, 2003
The Hotsheet ad-hoc workgroup is formulating a change proposal to the specifications necessary to provide Hotsheet functionality. The group has a mailing list that is open to anyone with an interest in the topic.

An outline of the changes under discussion.
A whitepaper describing the design and implementation of Hotsheet functionality.

Current Workgroup Activities

DeadlineWorkgroupProjectSourceNext ActivityDate

CMA functional
area requirements
December meeting    
Distributed data base
December meeting  
Aggregation name requirementsDecember meeting  
 ComplianceFixed price testing.
CRT or third-party.
December meeting    
 CompliancePossibililty of passive
compliance checker
December meeting  
 Compliance“Negative” testingDecember meeting  
 ComplianceFunctional-area testngDecember meeting  
 ComplianceTest data for client
compliance tester
December meeting  
 MetadataCapability to request
nonstandard DTDs
December meeting  
 SearchSearch language specifications
(New working group)
December meeting  
 Compact format specifications & DMQL changesDecember meeting  
 UploadEnhancements to upload
December meeting  
 Transport2.0 Specifications
SOAP limitation issues
December meeting  
 MetadataStandardNames ambiguity issuesAugust meeting  
 ComplianceProcess for adding new
test scripts and recertification
August meeting  
 Hotsheet issuesApril meeting  
 Localization of metadatApril meeting  
 Security and data protection proposal. Visibility rules.April meeting