Mailing Lists
Data Dictionary
RETS Sandbox Now Available
[January 28] The RETS Sandbox introduced at the December 2003 RETS Meeting, is now formally available. The RETS Sandbox is provided as an asset to the RETS community to further adoption, usage and evolution of the RETS standard. The RETS Sandbox is a single site that can support all RETS software initiatives. The entire Sandbox is under the control of NAR, so anyone who wishes to contribute RETS software must follow NAR/RETS’ policies and procedures.For questions regarding policies, procedures or becoming a contributor to the RETS Sandbox, please contact Bruce Toback. For technical questions, questions regarding the contents of the Sandbox, or any comments, please [email protected].
Workgroup Activities List
[January 14] A list of current workgroup activities can now be viewed on the Workgroups page.
December RETS Meeting
[December 23] The Las Vegas meeting notes are now available on the Meetings page.
MRIS, iPix announce new service based on RETS
[November 21] RETS early adopter Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc. (MRIS) and Internet Pictures Corporation (iPix) have announced a new service for MRIS members based on RETS.
Fourteen New Change Proposals
[November 21] Fourteen new change proposals have been added to the Comments page this week.
About RETS
The Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) is the open standard for exchanging real estate transaction information. Consisting of a transaction specification and a standard Extensible Markup Language (XML) Document Type Definition (DTD), RETS is being implemented by many real estate industry leaders in their next generation of real estate information systems.
RETS.ORG is the central repository for developer information about the Real Estate Transaction Standard, or RETS. The web site is maintained by the RETS Working Group, which is the organization responsible for publishing, maintaining and enhancing the standard.
The standards documents themselves are available from the Documents page. You will find links to Word and PDF versions of the standards documents, including all XML DTDs used with the standard. There is also a list of answers to frequently-asked questions.
If you are a software developer, there are additional resources for you in the Developer section. We maintain links to the organizations that control the standards incorporated into RETS, and will be adding sample code and implementation notes in the future.
In addition to the information available on this site, the working group maintains three mailing lists that you can join. The mailing lists page contains subscription information as well as links to the archives.
To submit a formal comment, use the form available from the Comments page. The comments page also contains information about comments that have been approved for publication.
If you have trouble accessing or using any of the material on this site, or if you have suggestions for improvements, please contact the RETS Webmaster.